Friday, October 9, 2009

Use your both brain

In the 1950s and 1960s professor Roger Sperry was investigating brainwave functions. To explore different thinking activities and their effect on the brainwave. Sperry had predected that the brainwave would be somewhat differnt for different activities. He described the research as the brain divides its activities very distinctly into left brain activities and right brain activities. This is the research that has become popularly known as 'left/right brain' research that won him the nobel prize in 1981. Use your both brain

The dominant division of brain as follows :

Left brain:- Word
Number and Maths

Right Brain Rhythm and music, Dreaming, Art, Colour, Imagination and visualization, Awareness

And also he has decelared that left brain of 10% of power and right brain is of 90% of total capacity. Brain has cross relation with body parts that is left bodyside is related with right brain and vice-versa.
Mostly People use their left brain, but powerful people unexpectedly use 90% brain as well as left brain.So try to use your both brain. Left brain is logocal whereas right brain is creative. Management is belongs to left brain and creation belongs to right brain.
So try to imagine extra ordinary. Develop the habbit of going on morning walk, listen the music you like, observe flying bird, flying cloud etc. It will develop as well as balance you.

"Imagination is more powerful than knowledge"
-Albert Einstein
"Imagination rules the whole world."
-Nepolian Bonapart
"Your future is guided by your present imagination"
-Dr. Yogi Vikashananda

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The magnetic theory of thought

The magnetic theory of thoughtAccording to this theory, if you think about any thing it attracts towards you. So be careful. What are you thinking- negative or positive? If you think you would have car like so........... it will attract towards you, but there are also other factors responsible to be fulfil your thought. Frequency of your thought must be deep. Subconsciously it must be projected.

Usually you have such of friend such as you with whom match your thought or belief. It is due to attraction of your thought. So thought has magnetic character. As magnet attracts magnetic element, it attracts like thought. So what you want is comming nearer step by step according to your thought.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

999 failures for 1 success

999 failures for 1 successAccording to Swami Vivekananda, "in all our action , error and mistakes are our only teacher." who commits mistake ,the path of truth is attrainable by him only.Without failure nobody can be success. We must commit 999 failure for one great and historical success. Thomas Elva Edison also had same experience of failure during inventing bulb.He had faced failure 999 times and successed last time. Fact is that ,failure is chance to learn and correct ourself.So, childrens are not to be answered recently. Let them experience and fail themselves. Then they will know themselves.
Tree never makes mistake, nor do stones fall into error. Man is prone to err, and it is the man who become God-on-earth. Charles C. Manz taech us about the power of failure in his book, ' The power of failure:

"Failure is the foundation of success, and the means by which it is achieved."
-Lao Tzu

"The other is hell"

The other is hellDon not listen other, advise the great philsopher ,Nitse. If you listen them they will point your weak part. They will say about impossibilities.Men with negative mind will convince you.Like Thomas Elva Edison had being tried to convince that he could not build a machine that would record and reproduce human voice,"because", they said,"no one else had ever produced such a machine" Edison did not believe them. He knew that the mind has unlimited power and it can creat anything. That knowledge lifted him the great Edison.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Break the limitation

Break the limitationThere are two rules: 1. general rule
2. exceptional rule

Quation for attention:
How maney times do you breath in one minute? 15 to 16 times.
How much distance can you cross within 4 minute? a mile.
How much you can alive without water? a week.

These are example question for general rule.It is the common rule that common people use and alive with it.Always they have limitation.Actually it is the limitationof thought.
Henry Ford has said,
'if you think you can
or that you can not
you are usually right:
Exceptional Rule:
By this rule , nothing is impossible. When Roger Bannister broke the myth by crossing a mile within 4 minute,the world exclaimed.He was the frist record holder who makes the impossible...., possible. After one year of his valour severa others duplicate his feat. That was also surprising for senior men when Thomas Elva Edison was ivestigating to lit the bulb. Scientifically it was considered impssible to lit light without oxygen. He believed himself and went on. Lastly he successed to lit the bulb.It was an exceptional rule before his invention. So limit exist in our thought, only.In oher word, your thoght only lmitation so let us break the limtation of thought and change our life.

How effective the thought

How effective the thoughtI have a context. An year ago i was coaching at Udayapur in Nepal. Training was about memory power of mind.Malati was a trainee in that seminar. She had a astonishable problem. She informed me that snakes mostly came in her imgination. At the same time reality occur. Numbers of snakes appeared arround her,really. She told me that she had thrown away to snakes from her bike just before intered in to the class . The seminar was about four days.In those days i have tought also about mind power.After seminar ,she shared me her progess that now she is ok.That was actually splendour event in her life.
By aove cotext,i m trying to clear that how effective is the thougt.She had a great problem due to her thougt. So there is no thought without effect. Khaptad Baba has mention in his book ,Vichar Vigyan ( of hought),that the thought can travell 7times faster than light.In other word , per second it can reach192000 miles from your mind.


psychonetit is the programme which deals with the psychological part of human beeing and its networking .psychonet focus to micro psychological phenomenon concern with events take place arround us. Firstly ,Maxwell maltose ,a plastic sergeon, had developed the subject psychocybernetics.that was great achivement in histry. But i have named it psychonet. Here you will find information about psychological networking. Maxwell has concluded from his ecperiment that humun beeing can change by thought but not by other factors.let us know about thought.

Its very miraculous. It has deep and micro effect. Every time and steps we are beeing guided by thoght . It exists everywhere . thought has been course of study for most of parapsychologist. News are publishing time to time. Really , it is the time to think about it. Whatever event take place arroun us are caused by our thought.