Most people they don't know what they have.Just they are living without knowing themselves.Living without knowing self power, self quality is the meaningless life. And great misunderstanding start with the life.Misunderstanding start with the nature. misunderstanding create the huge problem for lifetime.So is human being is in dangerous condition. Every people in the world they have some unique quality.And so you have. why i am saying that.i can proof that you have unique quality.Because you are the different everyone in this world. By thought you are different.By face you are different.By living you are different.So you are different.So you are unique in the world. How many time loosed with living ?
Now the time to know your powerful factors of your life.If you have already known your quality congratulation.You are one step forward than 70% people in the world.But if you have not, now be alert.stop walking and search the great character hidden within you. How to find the unique quality ? The problem with us is we can not guess our quality. We can not find our capacity.because we are busy with life. Busy with valueless work.instead of we have great capacity like Einstein, Newton, Buddha but not the same.Scientist has proved that.So at any cost you have to find out your unique quality.there are some methods to finding quality -Listen your heart: Always you listen other .Now this is the time to listen yourself.Listen your heart.You have never talk with you.You are always ignoring and escaping from you. Forgetting yourself.Listen what your heart internally say.You will may not find any result recently. Try for long time.You will get the result.
-What makes you feel good for long time ?
If you live the way of your quality then you feel easy and good. So observe that when you used to be positive, excited, feel good and energetic.Mark this positive point.
-What about they applause you ?
look for positive reaction of your friends, relatives,boss, audience.Care that when they admire you.That may your real find positive and real commendation.
-Follow your dream
sometime dream would guide you.But we don't care the dream.most great people they became famouse due to the dream. Like games watt,great poet Dante and so others.